Back and Forth - Viet Cuong | 2020 Digital Premiere
In this exciting oboe duo, Viet Cuong utilizes a particular extended technique – multiphonics – to enhance the counterpoint between the two instruments. In describing his recent work with multiphonics in his wind writing, Viet says: “I think a lot of people find the sound [of multiphonics] to be strange or foul but I think they’re just misunderstood which is why I really like to use them in a way that’s playful or whimsical” Multiphonics describe the phenomenon when wind instrumentalists use a particular combination of “incorrect” fingerings to get multiple notes to sound at the same time. While these multiphonics do not replicate the sound of two instruments playing different notes, Viet describes the sound: “as if you used a guitar distortion pedal on a wind instrument”
More info about Viet and his music can be found at :
Premiered on September 22, 2020
Austin Smith and Andrew Parker, Oboe